The villa on C.Corrons 35 is located in the S'Agaro urbanization, on a plot with a height difference of 10 meters. The house has an extended underground part, with a guest house at the entrance to the territory, and the development of the composition deep into the site. The elevated part of the house is located in the depth of the site, 7 meters above the entrance to the site.
The composition of the visible part of the house is assembled from three parallelepipeds arranged in a certain order.
Material - white concrete.
Authors: V. Dontsov, T. Andreeva
interior by J. Petroevskaya
Architect of record: Joan J. Homs I Casas.
Construction: EOTALGRUP SL
Structure: Estructuras ULTRA S.A.
Glazing: ALUMILUX S.L.U.